Law firm specialized in business law, legal advice and litigation.

France / Germany / International

As a lawyer since 2010, I assist my clients in business law.

As such, I have developed specific expertise in the management of Franco-German and international cases. I provide advisory and litigation services, particularly in the context of arbitration proceedings.
I am regularly solicited as a mediator and assist my clients in mediation.

In parallel, I have been serving as Honorary Consul of The Federal Republic of Germany in Brittany since 2017 and have been teaching at the University for several years.
I work in French, German and English.

my CV

As a lawyer since 2010, I assist my clients in business law.

As such, I have developed specific expertise in the management of Franco-German and international cases. I provide advisory and litigation services, particularly in the context of arbitration proceedings.
I am regularly solicited as a mediator and assist my clients in mediation.

In parallel, I have been serving as Honorary Consul of The Federal Republic of Germany in Brittany since 2017 and have been teaching at the University for several years.
I work in French, German and English.

my CV

A simple and effective approach for high quality service.

Business Law.

The firm meets the needs of its clients in business law, particularly in the areas of contract law, commercial law, economic/distribution law, company law and insolvency law.

Legal advice and litigation.

Advisory work represents a significant part of the firm’s activity, particularly in the negotiation and drafting of commercial and industrial contracts, the creation, monitoring and sale of companies, crisis anticipation and management, assistance in strategic decision-making and legal security for projects.
The firm also provides litigation services before the courts.

Mediation and Arbitration.

The firm intervenes in mediation and arbitration.
Maître Blosfeld-Cressard is regularly appointed as a mediator for judicial and conventional mediations.

Franco-German and International Affairs.

The firm has developed specific expertise in the management of Franco-German and international cases.
The firm assists foreign companies and entities, specifically German ones, in their activities and operations in France.
The firm also assists French companies with international activities, particularly in Germany, for monitoring and setting up projects or litigation management.

Loyal clients and reliable partners.


The firm primarily assists companies, associations, local authorities and organizations. The firm can also respond to requests from individuals, particularly in relation to their assets and taxation.

Professional Network.

The firm regularly collaborates with French and German colleagues.
Thus, the firm may be solicited by colleagues to handle a specific issue, particularly in connection with Germany.
Moreover, for the needs of its clients and in consultation with them, the firm may call on the expertise of a specialized colleague or other professional from its network.

Advisory assignments.

  • Negotiation and drafting of industrial and commercial contracts (franchise contracts, distribution contracts, industrial partnerships, etc.)
  • Legal advice (risk assessments, feasibility studies) – legal apprehension and security of activities and projects
  • Drafting of general terms and conditions of sale, intervention conditions (B2B, B2C)
  • Incorporation and transformation of companies, drafting and negotiation of shareholder agreements
  • Asset- and Share Deals (sale of companies, businesses and customer bases) – negotiation and drafting of protocols, asset and liability guarantees. Advice and assistance regarding financing and takeover organization.

Litigation assignments.

  • Post-sale control litigation (asset and liability guarantees)
  • Disputes between shareholders
  • Commercial and contractual disputes (abrupt termination of established commercial relationships, unfair competition, debt recovery, restrictive competition practices, breach of contract, etc.)

Assignments with an  international  component.

  • Assistance in the establishment of foreign companies in France (setting up and developing partnerships and networks)
  • Monitoring of activities and operations in France of foreign actors (management of assets, particularly real estate)
  • Monitoring and coordination of litigation with foreign partners, particularly arbitration proceedings (unpaid debts, bankruptcy filings, breach of contract, etc.)

Examples of assignments and cases handled.

A personalized and fitted service proposal.

Any service provided will be the subject of a financial proposal that takes into account the nature and complexity of the case, the importance of the interests at stake, and the time required to handle the matter.
A fee agreement will be systematically validated by the client prior to any intervention by the law firm.

Located in Rennes, the heart of the Breton capital.

Blosfeld Avocat

Maître Janina Blosfeld-Cressard
1, rue de l’Alma – 35000 Rennes (France)
Tel. : +33 2 23 40 40 15

Practical information

Metro Line A – Charles de Gaulle station, at the foot of the building
Nearby SNCF train station
Parking at Charles de Gaulle (exit on rue de l’Alma) or Colombier (exit on rue du Capitaine Maignan)

Contact the law firm for any inquiries.

Mentions légales.

Informations sur l’éditeur du site.

Le site Internet « » est exploité par la société BLOSFELD AVOCAT. Directeur de la publication : Janina BLOSFELD-CRESSARD, gérant Siège social : 1, rue de l’Alma, 35000 RENNES Forme de la société : SELARL au capital de 10.000 € Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR 87 814013355 La société BLOSFELD AVOCAT est immatriculée au RCS de RENNES sous le numéro 814 013 355 et inscrite au barreau de RENNES. Hébergeur du site : OVH SAS – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France BLOSFELD AVOCAT peut être contactée :
  • En utilisant le formulaire de contact
  • Par téléphone au : +33 2 23 40 40 15

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